Great city, got the sun,the sea...and the Chupitos, and I had to find some good addresses to shop for kicks there!
Petit trip à Barcelone...
Ville géniale: ambiance trop bien, la mer, les chupitos...de la balle :-))....il fallait quand même que je trouve une ou deux ptites adresses sympas pour les chasseurs de sneakers...
So, I added two addresses to the shopping list (see post on this subject), but wanted to point out one of them with some pictures..
DOnc, deux adresses pas mal en plus dans la shopping list, mais je voulais insiter sur l'une des deux adresses avec des ptites photos pour vous donner envie...
LOads of shoes, exclusives, especially Nike , toys, magazines & books, clothing....in a a real nice and design setting! Let's not forget the person who welcomed us, real nice guy... ;-)) (MICHEL! if you read me..leave me a lil' message :-))
Plein de pompes, d'exclus, beaucoup de Nike, des toys, plus un coin magazines et des fringues..le tout dans un mag' très design...et avec un vrai fan aux commandes, ultra cool! Les prix? pas trop abusé...mais loin d'être des super occases ;-)

N'oubliez pas de checker leur site, vraiment pas mal
Don't forget to check their website...it's worth it
Pour finir, petite dédicace à SNEAKER FREAKER, grâce à qui j'ai découvert ce shop....
Finally, little wink to SNEAKER FREAKER and ..thanx for the address :-)))
rolalala, keske jsuis jaloox de too ça, mwarfff !!!
ze veux toot toot toot !!!
chanceuz que tu es ... ;-)
Awesome!....if i would be there i may pick my favorite nike shoes...
Among the pelayo street theres plenty of shoe shops, its the main street to go and get new shoes, Spain is one of the countries that produces more shoes in the world ( specially in the Alicante area), so shoes in Barcelona are cheap and with high quality.
All kind of shoes, from sleepers, to snickers, to elegant shoes to go out at night.
It depends, but most of the prices are so low knowing they are high quality.
I visited Barcelona in July, the time when summer sales start, so I was able to shop till I drop :)) for bargain prices. If you go Barcelona in winter, sales start around January 10th.My favorite Spanish store is Bershka, located in Av. Portal d´Angel. Clothes here are really cool and also really cheap. If you're into designer clothes, Av. Diagonal is the place for you. Shops along here include Calvin Klein, Armani, Versace and Gucci. One last thing, stay away from Las Ramblas when going shopping. The Barcelona Office of Tourism offers a service to facilitate and create greater access to shopping in the city. Some Barcelona hotels offer special free trips to Barcelona Shopping City which is a program specialized for shopping in the city, mainly in the Shopping Line. This is a popular tourist attraction so things are really overpriced.
le link de 24 kilates est http://www.24-kts.com/ tu a un 't' en trop ;)
A voir si j'y vais la fin de ce mois!!
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